Saturday, November 2, 2013

Shish kabob!!!

Happy Birthday Shaka!!

For Jakelle's birthday we went to Genki Sushi. She was not the happiest, but it was a fun experience. The sushi comes on a conveyor belt and the price is determined on the color of the plate. Look you can even get cupcakes!!

Asian peace sign!

Spent the whole day at the beach with the roomie!

Shish Kabob

Aly left one month ago back to Utah and left me worried about what my new roommate will be. I had a blast and loved our adventures, but nothing was preparing me for what was in store.
This is Chelsey a.k.a Shishy a.k.a Shish Kabob a.k.a. Hamburger
This is my new roommate till November 4th. She is moving down to Wailea to work on the opening of another Cariloha. I'm going to miss her and she's not even gone. I must point out that she is my favorite roomate! I am able to act like a complete child like sing Blue's Clues and quote Disney movies religiously, without much judgement.... HAHA!! 

Mexican Night

You can't have Mexican Night without a mustache! I didn't need to buy one, I brought them with me!! Oh, wow, I am such a dork!

Ya, I'm weird, but I'm me! I won't pretend to be anything but myself. My roomie said to me the other day what she wants in life is to be happy! I think more people should be like that! I hope my weirdness put a smile on your face!

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