Thursday, September 26, 2013

New Beginnings


I have decided to make a blog. Can I just say, getting a blog setup is complicated! On the plus side, it will make my life sooo much easier instead of having to send out so many emails. I'm going to start from the beginning.

August 17, 2013

I packed my bags the night before. I was up for a full 24 hours freaking out trying not to forget anything. Even my dog wanted to come to Maui (smart dog)!!

Even though leaving Utah isn't goodbye for forever; saying goodbye to the people I love, and the place I called home was hard.

Just in case you didn't know... These are my monsters!

~Final Goodbyes~


Salt Lake City to Seattle WA
I slept the whole time haha! No complaints here!!
Seattle WA to Maui HI

New home. 

Before Victoria Entered

After! Just so everyone knows, I had to pack an extra suitcase to bring my blanket.
Well worth the effort.
 This is Front Street. It has a cute boardwalk look and a good looking new group of interns!
Alyson, ME, Jackelle, Chelsea, Anne
More of beautiful Front Street
First shaved ice!

First day at work.

First Celebratory Meal: Kimo's
First Beach: Slaughterhouse

A little sunset beachin before dinner at Duke's

Now might be a good time to point out the obvious... I like to take pictures of myself. NO SHAME!

This is Duke's. Another yummy dinner by the ocean.
We celebrated my birthday... No it is not really my birthday! We just say that to get free Hulu Pie:)
Don't act like you're surprised OR like you have never done that before. The pie is freaking awesome and I like it when they sing to me.... This is the second time... so I'm... 21.
Wow, time just flies when your in paradise!
 This concludes the first week! There are tons more adventures to come!


Victoria Jadee

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